Friday, July 01, 2005

To Me, on my 29th Birthday

So here it is. Another year gone by, and quite a milestone this year will be. The end of the 20s! The predawn of Middle Age. The twilight of Youth. An epoch of time that shall not be seen again.

What a bunch of melodramatic crap...

But as I sit here at work, deep in the bowels of the mega-evil Insurance Conglomerate, I feel compelled to indulge in a moment of pensive introspection. Twenty-nine years is not a terribly long time in the grand temporal scheme of things, but I'll ramble off a few of the tremendous things that have happened during my life:

That just about sums it up I think. Except for one big caveat. In the paltry amount of time that I've muddled through on this tiny blue-green planet, I wouldn't have had nearly as much success as I have had it not been for the support of my family and friends. So on this auspicious day, I'm sending out a big birthday Thank You! to the four corners of the world and all points in between. To the cherished people in my life, on my 29th birthday... I wouldn't be here without you.

Now let's get this whole Youth thing out of the way and get onto the main course.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. Maybe we can go out and celebrate this weekend. I keep wanting to sing "We didn't start the fire" for some strange reason ...


Unknown said...

Oh but I did... I did start the fire and I laughed as I watched it burn to the ground.

But I digress... more celebration sounds good to me! :)

SmileDragon said...

Happy belated birthday.