Tuesday, June 14, 2005

World of Warcraft: Population 2,000,001 (and rising)

World of Warcraft: Population 2,000,001 (and rising) - PC News at GameSpot

As a loyal subscriber to World of Warcraft, I just wanted to post this to make note of this remarkable milestone in the game's life. To think that right now, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world are online adventuring and playing this game together is really remarkable. The appeal of the game is the most fascinating thing. What posses someone to pay to play a computer game??

I suspect the allure of it is the fulfillment of our sense of adventure, all the while being able to anonymously express the deeper parts of our personality that don't usually surface in the workaday world.

If you ever sign up for WoW, look me up on the Whisperwind server. My character's name is Kegger. LOL :-)


Anonymous said...

Yes, and right now at this moment 17 million people are also having sex. So I guess a lot of people are having to choose - WoW or sex or both ...


Unknown said...

I really thankful to you because you are providing fabulous entertainment for children. I request you to continue the entertainment.


wow gold