Monday, May 30, 2005

Allow myself to introduce... myself.

There's nothing like an introduction out of place. But since I'm a sometimes fan of chaos, it makes perfect sense for me to pause from my ramblings and fill you in on who I am and what I'm trying to accomplish here. If you've stumbled to this link from my friend Jef's blog, Quizzicles, then you probably have heard about me before. I am AI. I worked with Jef at a major evil insurance conglomerate bent on world domination for almost 4 years before he moved on to greener pastures. The moniker, AI, which Jef has used to preserve some degree of anonymity for me is how I have derived the name of my blog; Artificially Intelligent. Not that I've actually had my intelligence artificially enhanced in any way (I'm 100% natural, kids) but its just a quirky enough name to appeal to my particular style of self-deprecating humor (a speciality of mine.)

As you can see, I lack focus sometimes. Not exactly ADD, but more like a mild form of Tourette's. I love to talk, and writing is an extension of that to some degree. So back to the "introduction." I'm a computer nerd, self-professed geek and all around renaissance man. I love music, I love to perform, and I love to make people laugh. Which, of course, is why I'm a programmer. Maybe someday I'll take care of that career miscalculation. I certainly can't say it was a bad choice though. I've been afforded the opportunity to befriend a whole host of fantastic people since I've started down this path, and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

And as for what I'm trying to accomplish with this blog? Well that's the beauty of blogging, isn't it? I'm not trying to accomplish anything. This is merely another creative outlet and one that I hope to explore more fully in the days and weeks ahead. Hope you enjoy the ride. Air discomfort bags are located on the back of the seat in front of you.

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