Thursday, July 07, 2005

London - 07-07-05

It gnaws at me to watch the footage on television. The people weeping, dazed, covered with blood and debris. How can anyone feel justified in doing this to innocent people? What level of fanaticism must one have to murder scores of people and think that any God would want that to happen?

If I could only send one message to those responsible it would be this:

The burning resolve to expunge this world of you, and people like you, is not extinguished by the blood of the innocent. It is fueled by it.

Keep the families of those lost in London today at the forefront of your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sentaments exactly. I like my wife's classroom rules. "Keep your hands and feet to yourself". Very appropeaux even in this light. -insert biggotted, racist and overdone tirade here-

In the end I find more wisdom in Rodney King's words, "Can't we all just get along?"
